Ten days ago, I wrote an article about the 5 questions I ask you during our feasibility call. As you may have guessed, this article is the logical follow-up! In fact, the process I implement before each contract signature is in 3 parts:

  • The feasibility call, information on which can be found HERE ;
  • The discovery meeting, which is the subject of this article;
  • And the presentation of the Project Book, which, as you can imagine, will be the subject of a future article (stay tuned! 👀).
Hire a French destination wedding planner

What is the discovery meeting?

Once we’ve done the feasibility call and validated the main lines of your wedding project, I’ll propose a discovery meeting. This will last between 1 and 1.5 hours.

This appointment is well-named as it will enable me to find out everything you have in mind for your wedding, how you imagine it, are there any points or vendors that you have already identified and that you appreciate, etc.?

Together, we’ll go over every aspect of your wedding and discuss your ideas and wishes point by point. An example of a question I might ask: for your dinner, would you like a gourmet meal? Or a 3- or 4-course meal? (Yes, I always come back to dinner – those who know me well know how important it is! 🥂)
Most of the time you don’t necessarily have the answer right away, you haven’t really thought about it, or you’re simply open to suggestions. In each case, your answers will help me in the future! 🔥

How will I use this information?

Following this meeting, I’ll be able to contact vendors who seem to be in line with your expectations and your budget. So, quite simply, I’ll be able to draw up a provisional budget based on your wishes!
And we’ll talk about all this at the third appointment… the presentation of the Project Book! 🥳

Are we going to talk budget on this discovery meeting?

Yes… and no. 😅

🎯 Yes, because we’re going to confirm the budget you want to invest in your wedding. Perhaps you’ve talked things over since the feasibility call and modified your choices a little. So it’s important to get off to a good start, and above all to have a shared understanding of the budget!

And not because we’re not going to go into detail about the costs of each service. The aim here is to discuss your desires and expectations, not to arbitrate between the various possibilities.
But don’t worry, we’ll be talking about budgets throughout the preparations!

Luxury destination wedding planner in Lyon

And what about my service?

This meeting is all about you, your project and your vision. But that doesn’t mean you can’t ask questions! 😉

I’ll go into more detail about my services, my work and support methods, and my approach when I present your Project Book. But of course I’ll be delighted to answer your first questions during the discovery meeting!

Hire your luxury french wedding planner in Lyon and Burgundy.

We’re now approaching the Christmas period, so for all those who are waiting for a pretty little blue box under the Christmas tree, save this article and we’ll see you in January!

Photographers: 1 | Clémentine C. Photographe – 2, 3 & 4 | Thomas Audiffren – 5 | Loovera Photographie

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Julie Nagy Wedding Planner Lyon

Meet Julie

Your French Wedding Planner

Bonjour and welcome ! I’m Julie, your destination wedding planner based in Lyon. 

As far back as I could remember, I used a To-Do list and whatever else would help me to organize. I even think I started in elementary school, at this point organization is in my blood !

But I’m also a deeply romantic woman, (since college this time !). So, I decided in 2018 to put my skills at the service of my romanticism ! 

And since then, I have been organizing and producing timeless elegant weddings for lovely couples who have a deep appreciation for French culture and its world-renowned “art de vivre”.

Wedding planner château Allier